Sunday, September 28, 2008

Virgin coconut oil acne solve

« ...Sebaceous glands are present all over the body except on the palms, the soles and dorsal surfaces of the hand and foot. They are particularly large and numerous on the scalp, the face, the back and the front of the chest. Each sebaceous gland is composed of multiple lobules of epithelial cells. The duct of each lobules converge towards the main sebaceous duct which normally opens into hair follicle (pilo¬sebaceous unit). Only a small number of sebaceous glands open directly on the surface of the skin (the prepuce, labia minora, eyelids, nipples and lips)....
...Do not use oil based makeup- This is another mistake most people make when they are suffering from acne. Make sure when that you stick to natural water based make up and not oil based specially when you acne condition is bad. At the same time make sure you don't go to bed with make up on....»
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«...2. Some people think that excessive sweat or dirt can cause acne. Truth is that what we see as dark dots in blackheads is not dirt, but oxidized sebum. Exaggerated cleaning of skin will not cure acne, but may exacerbate the condition. Gently clean your face twice a day with mild soap or cleansers formulated to care for acne and warm water. Pat dry, don't rub....»
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tags: does candy cause acne, how to reduce redness and inflammation from acne, salicylic acid acne medication

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