Saturday, September 27, 2008

What takes the redness out of acne

« ...If you kill these good bacteria, it will certainly affect the digestion process in your body. If your digestive system slows down, toxins in your body will build up. Until the point where toxins in your body is too much for your kidney to handle, it will cast the entire toxin to your skin. Suppose that if toxin were to be ditch away to your skin, acne is going to haunted you for life....
...Some cysts are so large and widespread that they do not respond to medication. These have to be physically drained and excised under the watchful eyes of dermatologist. Care should be taken and no attempt is to be made to personally excise them in front of bathroom mirrors. The instruments employed should be properly sterilized. It has been observed in many a cases that patients' attempt to cut and puncture these cysts have led to many a problems and in fact have made the condition worse. To drain and surgically excise these cysts, special comedones are used by surgeons....»
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«...For acne that is cause by menstruation Vitamin B-6 is important as it can help regularly maintain the proper metabolism of the increased release of hormones.Some acne alternative treatments that may be applied directly to the skin include a honey facial. This is done by putting uncooked honey onto ones face and leaving it on the skin for five to ten minutes. Honey is said to revitalize the skin. Alternately tea tree oil may be applied to the skin. This has been said to impede bacteria from growing on the skin. Exfoliants may be used to treat acne and pimples. Glycolic acid and lactic acid are alpha-hydroxyl acids that are found in citrus fruits. It is suggested that they lessen dead skin cells from building up. Therefore lemon juice can be mixed with water and applied to the face. The juice should be allowed to dry on the skin for up to ten minutes and then is should be rinsed off. If one has sensitive skin more water may be required to the blend so the individual doesn't experience too much of a "burning" sensation....»
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tags: how to clear up acne fast, salicylic acid acne medication safe for pregnancy, microdermabrasion

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