Thursday, October 2, 2008

Head and shoulders as facial wash for acne

« ...Genetics: A grater chance for the children to have Acne if their parents had acne in their teenage years. Genes carry information from parents to children. This problem cannot be cure very fast. We need regular checkup and excellent medical treatment to get rid of Acne....
...Another common misconception is that acne has nothing to do with food . On the contrary, recent scientific studies have revealed a relationship between acne breakouts and diet. No it is not junk food or oily food. Actually , most junk food items or oily food DON'T fall under the category of food items that cause acne!...»
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«...One of the benefits of consulting your dermatologist or doctor is that they can prescribe you with a prescription for specialized treatments, for example a course of antibiotics. In some case your doctor may suggest the pustules are drained of harmful contents under local anesthetic, this is a minor procedure which if carried out by yourself could result in skin damage....»
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tags: do over the counter acne medication work, how do i get rid of my acne scars, prescription medication for acne

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