Thursday, July 3, 2008

At home acne remedy cures and how to get rid of acne overnight remedies

For local treatment, hot fomentation should be applied to open up the pores and squeeze out the waste matter. Then rinse with cold water. Sun and air baths, by exposing the whole body to sun and air, are highly beneficial. Washing the affected area with lemon juice has also proved helpful. Healing packs made of grated cucumbers, oatmeal cooked in milk and cooked, creamed carrots, used externally, have been found effective. A hot Epsom salt bath twice a week will be highly beneficial in all cases of acne. This bath is prepared by adding three lbs. of Epsom salt to 60 litres of water having a temperature of about 100 o F. The patient should remain in the bath from 25 to 35 minutes till he perspires freely. After the bath, the patient should cool off gradually.
Elder: Elder is a tonic, purifier and anti-inflammatory. As well as being very useful for treating acne, it can also be used for colds and sore throats. To make a cup of elderflower tea, put 3g of dried elder-flowers in a cup of hot water and leave to infuse for ten minutes. Strain the liquid and drink immediately. You can also use elder-blossoms as a skin emollient in your homemade skincare products and apply them directly to the skin.
Lavender oil, which is used in aromatherapy for its relaxing effects, is great for relieving the discomfort of inflamed acne pimples. Tea tree oil or sea salt mixed with sterile water applied to acne pimples will help dry them out; simply cleanse your face with a gentle acne soap, and the rinse it with the sea salt and water mix. You can make sure the water is as clean as possible by booing and distilling it before adding the sea salt.
tags: acne and how to wash your face, guaranteed mild acne products, acne skin care that really works

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