Monday, August 4, 2008

Can overeating cause acne and baby acne scar

Newer isn't necessarily better, and with acne treatment companies trying to make as much money as possible by advertising products that are a 'cure for acne', a lot of natural remedies are being overshadowed. Just because an acne product is advertised every day on TV, doesn't necessarily mean it works. Look into some of the natural remedies that nature has to offer you, you may be quite surprised how effective some of them are.
Avoid drinking and smoking. Alcohol dehydrates the body, causing your skin to dry up. Substitute alcohol for water, enough water intake is extremely important. You will look and feel much better if your body is properly hydrated. Smoking also makes your skin look much older, smoking often makes your skin look gray.
Reduce inflammation - cat's claw, nettles, cleavers, licorice, chamomile, chickweed
tags: natral facial cleans for acne and spots for black women, best proven at home acne scar treatment, home remedy for back acne

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